
Lead Designer
UC Davis Capstone Course

10 weeks

Ignite is an awareness campaign aimed at preparing high school students for early professionalism by giving them valuable exposure to a wider range of career paths and helping them develop basic professional skills. We will begin by targeting East Bay Area high schools, eventually becoming national and with increased successes, international. We want to erase stigmas surrounding certain careers and focus on student interest to give them valuable information and guidance as they navigate their way through life after high school and college.

Products Created: Brand Identity (logo, business system, graphic standard), Web/Social Media Graphics, Print Design, Promotional Items (stickers, pins, pens), Web Flow Design, Apparel (t-shirts, caps, drawstring bag)

🤝 Team:

Jie Song, Kaela Han

🛠️ Tools:

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe After Effects



Logo Development

The Ignite logo consists of a playful graphic of a lightbulb within type logo. When developing this logo, we needed to consider two of our audiences: high school students within the program and corporate professionals who will participate in the program.

The initial stages of the logo were slightly too childish, especially when this program is to further develop professionalism in high school students.


Business System

Since our business system is only reviewed by the corporate, professional end of our audience, we kept our design very straight forward and professional.

Below is the letter head design, two variations of the business cards, and an envelope.


Marketing Materials

The first three marketing products are our flyer, brochure, and poster. These will be passed around in the high school and presented to professional, corporate to pitch the idea. The balance between playfulness and professional design is utilizing the bright golden color, photos, and icons, and the professional end is maintained by type hierarchy and layout of the design.

The rest of the marketing materials are items to be passed to high school students as we flyer or table for the event. We needed to consider materials that would be useful to them and us (for advertising purposes.)